84392024-01-16 10:11:10birozsBináris fa magassága (50 pont)python3Time limit exceeded 2/50600ms13200 KiB
N,M = map(int,input().split())
L = 2**(N-1)
mag = [N-1] * 2**(N-1)
lista = [1] * 2**N
aktmax = N-1
mo = []
for i in range(M):
    csucs,hossz = map(int,input().split())
    aktsor = 1
    while not (csucs > 2**(aktsor-1) and csucs < 2**(aktsor+1)):
        aktsor += 1
    aktsor += 1
    levelszam = 2**(N-aktsor)
    elsolevel = csucs * 2**(N-aktsor)
    valtozas = hossz - lista[csucs]
    lista[csucs] = hossz
    ittvan = False
    for i in range(elsolevel,elsolevel+levelszam):
        if valtozas > 0 and mag[i-L] == aktmax:
            ittvan = True
            aktmax = mag[i-L] + valtozas
        mag[i-L] += valtozas
    if ittvan:

for x in mo:

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