7859 2024. 01. 11 13:52:25 szabelr Síkság (55) csharp Forditási hiba
// Síkság.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
int tomb[100001];
int main()
    int n,x,most,max=0,z,kez=1,veg=1,kezmax,kezveg;
    cin >> n;
    cin >> x;
    multiset<int> multiset;
    tomb[1] = x;
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        cin >> x;
        tomb[i] = x;
        if ((x - *multiset.begin() == 0 or x - *multiset.begin() == 1 or x - *multiset.begin() == -1) and (*multiset.rbegin() - x != 2 and *multiset.rbegin() - x != -2) ) {
            cout << "fel" << " " << x << endl;

            cout << "ennyi" ;
            cout << i << " ";
            most = multiset.size();
            cout << "most" << most << endl;
            if (most > max) {
                max = most;
                kez= i-(multiset.size());
                veg = i;
                max = most;
            z = *multiset.begin();
            multiset.erase(tomb[i- multiset.size()]);
            cout << i - (multiset.size()-2) << endl;
    cout << max<<" ";
    cout << kez<< " ";

Forditási hiba
exit status 1
main.cs(5,0): error CS1024: Wrong preproces