33042023-02-24 18:44:2112BotiHanoi tornyai variáns (45)python3Wrong answer 0/45127ms23696 KiB

pos = [-1] * 16
for t in range(3):
    for d in input().split()[:-1]:
        pos[int(d) - 1] = t

wantedpos = [-1] * 16
for t in range(3):
    for d in input().split()[:-1]:
        wantedpos[int(d) - 1] = t

moves = []

def move(d, to):
    if pos[d] == -1 or pos[d] == to:
    # print(f"move {d+1} to tower {to}")
    for e in range(d - 1, -1, -1):
        move(e, 3 - pos[d] - to)
    moves.append((pos[d], to))
    pos[d] = to

for d in range(15, -1, -1):
    # print("doing", d + 1)
    move(d, wantedpos[d])

for f, t in moves:
    print(f + 1, t + 1)
1Wrong answer0/018ms11296 KiB
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