N = int(input())
def nyer(X,db,m):
XX = [11]*db
X -= 11*db
while X >= 10:
XX += [10]
X -= 10
if X > 0:
XX += [X]
XX += [0]*(m-len(XX))
return XX
for i in range(N):
A,B = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
## A,B = 53,22
if A == 33 and B <= 30:
AA = nyer(A,3,3)[::-1]
BB = nyer(B,0,3)
elif 33 <= A <= 43 and 11 <= B <= 41:
AA = nyer(A,3,4)[::-1]
BB = nyer(B,1,4)
elif 33 <= A <= 53 and 22 <= B <= 52:
AA = nyer(A,3,5)[::-1]
BB = nyer(B,2,5)
AA = [-1]
BB = [-1]
## print(AA)
## print(BB)
for i in range(len(AA)):